Even Hello Kitty Needs Her Sleep |
You should not waste the money on 5 Hour Energy Drinks, they only last up to an hour, and screw up your digestive system. It doesn't matter if it will keep you up for an hour or two, you should get NATURAL rest not PLANNED Energy. So get some Natural Shut eye instead of fakey energy that only lasts for so long, while natural energy lasts all day.
If you get tired in the middle of the day, try drinking some Vitamin Water, because you are drinking Vitamins that help regulate your digestive system it will last longer than a 5 hour energy drink which can mess up digestion and isn't good for an upset stomach, because it has a ton of sugar. Vitamin water is all natural, Very Powerful, and worth buying. It will keep you up up and away!
GO GET SOME SHUT EYE!!!!! I know I am, Good Night Readers!